On the sixth day of May, 1709, I took a solemn leave of his Majesty,
and all my friends. This Prince was so gracious as to order a guard to
conduct me to Glanguenstald, which is a royal port to the south-west part
of the island. In six days I found a vessel ready to carry me to Japan,
and spent fifteen days in the voyage. We landed at a small port town called
Xamoschi, situated on the south-east part of Japan; the town lies on the
western point where there is a narrow strait, leading northward into a
long arm of the sea, upon the north-west part of which, Yedo the metropolis
stands. 参考文献 牧野正著
伊東観光協会刊 P.G.ロジャース著
幸田礼雅訳、新評論刊 ジャイルズ・ミルトン著
築地誠子訳、原書房刊 見道郎著